June 28, 2023November 24, 2023jwilliams Homeowners Struggle to afford staying in Johnson County; while County Commissioners are set to approve a $15.3 million County Salary increase, with as much as a 20-30% increase for the highest payroll positions and as little as 1.9% for the lower payroll positions
June 23, 2023July 22, 2023jwilliams Johnson County Library distributes pornographic gore to developing teen minds in their Summer Reading Program
June 6, 2023October 3, 2024jwilliams Johnson County Chairman, Mike Kelly, is funded by European Union in order to implement the Paris Climate Agreement without the approval of all local jurisdictions affected
June 5, 2023March 21, 2024jwilliams Should China own a building at New Century Air Center, an airport and military base?
May 15, 2023May 15, 2023jwilliams Equity does not equal Equality – Socialism vs Constitutional Republic
April 6, 2023June 6, 2023jwilliams Miami County property owners are facing increased taxes to the disproportionate benefit of the superintendents
March 4, 2023December 5, 2023jwilliams Property Tax Appraisals are out and tempers are rightfully flaring