Should China own a building at New Century Air Center, an airport and military base?

Chinese American who escaped the CCP in 1949, addressing Chairman Mike Kelly‘s lie that restricting the CCP is marginalizing Asian Americans

On Thursday, June 1, 2023, the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners voted to approve millions more in industrial revenue bonds and other freebies, on the backs of Kansans.

The warehouse building AT NEW CENTURY AIR CENTER is going to be SOLD TO CHINA to manufacture graphene and battery acids

Let me repeat that.

China is going to own a building right next to our airport and military base!!

God save us! What did our soldiers fight for if this generation is just going to hand it all over??

The following is an excerpt from a public comment that was submitted after the vote, addressing Chairman Mike Kelly’s spin on opposition being racist:

“In this morning’s Commissioner’s Meeting I listened intently to your discussion over Resolution No. 027-23 and your subsequent votes to adopt the Resolution (with the exception of Commissioner O’Hara’s NO vote). 

It was disappointing to see this resolution passed without due diligence into and discussion of the hazards associated with carbon and graphene nanotubes manufacturing.

Your discussion repeatedly mentioned that the development/construction at New Century Air Center has been “visible to the public” since 2015 (according to Mr. Otto), and I do agree with that.  However, what has not been visible to the public at large (at least as far as I can tell) is the more recent subtle revelation that VanTrust would be selling Building A to CNANO USA an entity of Multi-International China owned JiangSu CNANO Technologies Ltd. 1 and more importantly notice to the public that the manufacturing that will be taking place in Building A by CNANO Technologies involves toxic carbon and graphene nanotubes. 2

Commission Chairman Kelly, on a side note, I also want to address your response to public comments made on Resolution No. 027-23 in this morning’s Commission Meeting, you followed the public’s comment on Resolution No. 027-23 with this statement: 

“I want to make sure that we don’t delve into murky waters, there’s examples from the past and present that invoking China as a threat has dangerous consequences for Americans of Asian descent and perpetuating long standing stereotypes of Chinese and other Asian communities as foreign or dangerous or unscrupulous.  I want us to be very wary of that and realize that we are a welcoming community, and we want to encourage the economic opportunities…”

Commissioner Chairman Kelly, public opposition is NOT towards Americans of Asian descent, for you to insinuate that those who made public comment this morning were invoking dangerous and unscrupulous stereotypes of Asian Americans was, in my opinion, very unfair.

The opposition voiced was for the lack of public knowledge around the fact that the county is inviting a Multi-International 1.8 Billion CNY/$ 253,717,200 USD China Company to purchase real estate at New Century Air Center with the intent of manufacturing battery additives that involve toxic materials (carbon and graphene nanotubes). 2

This type of manufacturing is dangerous to place alongside the populated City of Gardner, KS and surrounding populated unincorporated areas.   Not to mention unsuspecting co-tenants, U.S. Army Reserve’s Bravo Company, 7th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment and employees of New Century Air Center, if they also are not aware of carbon and graphene nanotube manufacturing hazards.

The following is from CNANO Technologies’ own Health & Safety content on their website: 1

The potential health risk of any substance is generally associated with the magnitude and duration of exposure, the persistence of the material in a body, the inherent toxicity of the material, and the susceptibility or health status of a person. Since nanotechnology is an emerging field, there are many uncertainties as to whether the unique properties associated with these engineered nanomaterials also pose unique occupational health risks. We, at Cnano, strike hard to ensure the safety of handling the carbon nanotubes.  We aggressively enforce the adoption of many engineering control at our work place to isolate areas where a possible spill might happen. Our staffs are regularly trained and fully equipped with appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) when handling any nanomaterials.

Please follow recommendation on MSDS closely on appropriate selection of appropriate PPE and emergency response to deal with CNT powders.

We encourage everyone to keep up with the emerging field of nanotechnology safely.

Additional reading is available from the following sources:

Safe nanotechnology approach: Managing health and safety issues related to engineered nanomaterials (click to view) (click to view)

Risk management of carbon nanotubes (click to view)

The public is NOT opposed to responsibly attracting new businesses to New Century Air Center it’s about “what type of businessrd/manufacturing” our elected officials are inviting into the New Century Air Center (or other logistic parks, etc.) to coexist alongside Johnson County families, local businesses, and agricultural operations.

Read additional facts and connections below from Responsible Renewables:

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