Contact: Sheriff Cal Hayden at 913-944-2623 or calhks@hotmail.com
Sheriff Cal Hayden Condemns Election Interference Tactics by Opponent Doug Bedford
July 20, 2024, Johnson County, KS –
Sheriff Cal Hayden today condemned the recent actions taken by Doug Bedford and hiscampaign “team”, accusing them of resorting to unethical tactics reminiscent of the strategies used against President Trump. Sheriff Hayden emphasized that these actions are intended to undermine his candidacy through character assassination and manipulation of the election process, constituting clear election interference.
Sheriff Cal Hayden stated: ” Bedford and his team have orchestrated a series of attacks on me to damage my reputation and undermine my campaign in the Primary. So far, we have seen a bogus political poll put out by Bedford and a bogus ethics complaint filed by his political advisor, Dustin Morris. This complaint was conveniently leaked to the press yesterday upon learning that the Ethics Commission stated they had scheduled thehearing in late August, after the primary. This constitutes election interference.”
Sheriff Hayden added “The ethics complaint filed against me was filed by Dustin Morris, political advisor to Bedford. It is laughable considering that Morris is dead center in what may prove to be the biggest ethics scandal in Kansas history by participating in a scheme to circumvent campaign contribution limits (which is expressly illegal). This matter is still tied up in the Kansas courts.”
The grossly biased poll distributed by Bedford’s campaign used inflammatory terms such as “lied” and “undermined” in reference to Sheriff Hayden’s handling of the Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Hayden pointed out that such language not only defames his character but also questions the integrity of the Sheriff’s Office, misleading the electorate with falsehoods and undermining ethical campaign practices.
Sheriff Hayden continued, “The public is sick of dirty politics, and that is exactly what is at play here. Bedford had his political adviser file a complaint with the Kansas Election Commission to damage my reputation and weaponize our election system.”
We have watched with disgust, in recent years, as the US Justice Department manipulated the US Justice system in an effort to destroy President Trump. Bedford and his team have resorted to similar tactics against Sheriff Hayden as they are unable to win the race fair and square.
Sheriff Hayden added “Bedford’s actions constitute defamation, slander, and manipulation of the election process. Is this the kind of person Johnson Countians want to trust to keep them safe?”
Sheriff Hayden urges the public to see through these dirty politics and stand against the manipulation of the democratic process. He remains committed to serving Johnson County with integrity and transparency, and he calls on his supporters to reject these unethical tactics and support a fair and honest election.
For further information or to arrange an interview with Sheriff Cal Hayden, please contact him at 913-944-2623 or calhks@hotmail.com
Sheriff Cal Hayden
This release has been issued by Sheriff Cal Hayden and is intended for immediate distribution.
Shame, shame, shame on those who would lie, distort, and attempt to defame a man as noble as Sheriff Cal Hayden. I don’t want them anywhere near power.
Dear Sheriff Hayden, thank you for serving Johnson County as our Sheriff these past years. My family and I voted for you in the primaries and I’m sad for the outcome due to the tactics used by your opponent. May God bless you in your future endeavors.
Marty Metz
Marty Metz