Integrity Intercept: Eyes on the Truth, Intercept #12
Constitutional integrity
July 20, 2024
We begin with the headline “If the truth be told.”
I chose this headline because election news is usually a mess. Several public servants have shied away from investigations, because investigators have been bullied, blackmailed, poisoned (Jovan Pulitzer), or had strange accidents occur (such as the boyfriend of a daughter of Georgia Governor Kemp1), reputations destroyed, and money wasted (Mike Lindell2).
As a result of constant media assaults and use of the term “conspiracy theory,” I would not be surprised if people now believe that The Office of Conspiracy Theory is an official government agency (it is, it’s the CIA or FBI).
Black’s Law Dictionary has now rewritten to define “lawfare” as “questioning the 2020 election, or any election.” (joking)
The Johnson County investigation into Konnech, Inc., extends beyond Kansas. It just so happens that I know more about election information than the average investigating journalist.
So, when the Johnson County Post highlights this investigation and uses candidates for office to take hits at their opponents3, I pay attention.
For example, the Johnson County Post article starts with, “Zach Thomas, a Democrat running for District Attorney said, ‘There’s never been any evidence whatsoever of unfair or unfree elections here in Johnson County.’ Sheriff Calvin Hayden has ‘wasted four years investigating fraud in elections and has turned over literally zero evidence.”
Zack Thomas just told me a few things.
1. The investigation is unknown to him.
2. Eugene Yu deals with employee data, not election data, and investigations are meant to stay to a limited number of people. How does he know what has and has not been found?
3. Since Zack Thomas is running for the D.A. of JoCo, and does not know the evidence, he has not worked in elections, nor does he know, if everything is “free” and “fair,” I am not sure he will make a good D.A.
4. The 2020 ballots were asked to be preserved to see if the “server data” for Konnech was a backdoor into other election information that may have went to China.
5. The investigation has not been four years; it has been two.
6. The Johnson County Commissioners, Secretary of State, and Election office cites the law requiring the ballots be destroyed after 22 months. The request to not destroy them was past. However, so were the 2019 ballots, which did not garner even a whimper of obedience to the election laws from the Elections Office, the Secretary of State, or the Board of County Commissioners. None of our public servants appeared to have a meltdown over obeying the law for the 2019 ballot destruction.
Moreover, why does anyone care about the investigation, which has now been put on a pause?4
Issues with machines and counting catapults us back to the days of the historical election of Kennedy vs. Nixon.
The GOP was furious over Kennedy winning and pursued every avenue, eventually overturning Hawaii and receiving back 3 electoral votes.5
This historical bump-in-the-road led to another investigation on the Kennedy election, in a 1985 report on the election with fresh eyes by Edmund Kallina that was fascinating.
Meaning, was Kennedy and Nixon the issue or was the issue with the Office of Mayor that Daley and Adamowski were vying for against the incumbent Republican Kennelly?6 (FYI, Daley was considered one of the most corrupt Illinois politicians.)
So as history has proven, it is important to have investigations and to keep ballots.
In October 21, 2022, it was announced that the PollChief election worker management system by Konnech, Inc, would return to servers under Johnson County Government’s exclusive control.7
The announcement stated, “Without our approval, Konnech provided a third-party vendor access to PollChief for software development and technical support. Less than 10 percent (approximately 825 out of 9,800) of Johnson County election workers’ records in PollChief contained a driver’s license number, which is considered personal identifying information under Kansas statute. The county will contact those individuals whose driver’s license number was exposed to an unauthorized third-party.”
The update additionally says, “As a reminder, the Poll Chief system is an election worker management and administration system. It is not and has never been connected to the county’s voting machines or any vote tabulation, voter registration, financial or any county systems. The Johnson County contract does not use the full functionality of the software and does not include payroll.”
Keep in mind not using the “full” functionality does not mean it is not available. 8
Yet, why doesn’t anyone talk about the REAL issue with Konnech?
We should have a concern about Cyber security, and Johnson County and the State of Kansas have had cyber issue after cyber issue.
My question is, “If our data is hacked or held ransom, Zach Thomas…would you give in to the terrorists and pay them?”
Because the cyber experts hired by Kansas were asked, “Have cybersecurity attacks been increasing in frequency?”
The short answer, according to experts, is “yes.” 9, 10, 11
And why wasn’t our information under County control in the first place?
Why are we paying all of the soaring prices for taxes, etc. and complaining that we need more Johnson County workers; while constantly hiring people outside of Johnson County to do jobs that should stay with our populace?
The CEO of Konnech, Eugene Yu is based in Michigan. He has, according to some articles, been vilified because his company allowed election worker information to be stored in China.
In fact, a raid on his offices had a memo that showed our ELECTION INFORMATION WAS GOING TO CHINA (see photos at end of article).
Additionally, an independent contractor for the CIA and whistleblower, Tore Maras, wrote an Op-Ed about Konnech. She did some digging that Stuart Thompson of the New York Times failed to discover in his article, Election Firm Knew Data had been Sent to China, Prosecutors Say. 12
Eugene Yu works for the Department of Defense, and we have paid him about $240,000 in US Taxpayer dollars (Tore’s article has the receipts). 13
Konnech also received loans and COVID relief funds.
Tore links everyone back to The HAVA ACT – which is where all the election dirt begins to unfold.
She writes that CIA director Richard Gates, along with Paul Brinkley (now CEO of Cerberus) helped to lobby for the HAVA ACT of 2002 with their long-term goal, to emulate the Chinese and bring us all into the digital system of voting.
Actual simulations must occur with actual data. The 2020 election became the data.
The data was not just voter data, it was employee data. “Employee data is to run ‘clear force’ type programs that could determine if employees would remain loyal to authority and NOT meddle in operations.”
In 2004, we sold the election software we created to Venezuela from McDill Airforce Base.
In September 2023, Kansas had testimony on election issues. 14 One expert, Clinton Curtis, explained the Chinese firm, Yang, that Bush ushered in, had paid him to change the algorithm in a voting machine.15, 16
In order to understand this espionage-laden story and how it relates to Johnson County, Kansas, we must take a deeper dive.
Here is a timeline to these events.
1. The Sheriff receives information that is deemed worthy of investigation into election issues in Johnson County. 17 In August, 2022, the Sheriff’s Office told the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners that an ongoing investigation into Konnech, Inc was in process and that Johnson County may have election worker personal data compromised due to our use of Konnech software from 2016-2022.

2. Johnson County KS Sheriff Detective Kevin Cronister hit a wall in his investigation when L.A. County would not cooperate with requests to have the servers sent back from the initial arrest of Eugene Yu, to see if Johnson County had a breach. 18
In fact, the Sheriff’s investigation would have moved along faster if the Johnson County District Attorney’s Office had stepped in and requested L.A. County’s information to get the investigation to move to its conclusion. Instead, L.A. County threatened Detective Cronister to never call them again on the Eugene Yu case.
3. Earlier, Konnech got a restraining order against True the Vote 19 and later filed a lawsuit against True the Vote, but Konnech dropped the suit when it went to discovery.
4. L.A. County then decided they had made a grave error in charging Mr. Yu, citing bias. 20
They offered a 5-million-dollar apology check21 and a “we don’t want to help Trump” smile.
5. Meanwhile, a blow by blow regarding these events in a November 18, 2022 Federalist article, In This Untold Story of Poll Worker Data, Chinese Servers, And Scandal, Only the FBI Knows The Truth. 22
This article points fingers at the FBI more than Mr. Yu or True the Vote. The article explains that Catherine Engelbrecht, co-founder of True the Vote, educated herself on the “nuts and bolts” of election information.
She and co-founder, Greg Phillips, discovered that PollChief software has been sold to “scores of municipalities via contracts that required safeguarding of the election workers’ data.”
Mrs. Engelebrecht asked Greg Phillips to take a deeper dive, doing some basic tests for the security of the software.
He specifically used “Binary Edge” and soon realized one particular IP address related to all of the software.”
The PollChief software is then rolled into a webpage. For example the Fairfax County, Virginia, website was “voteforfairfax.com”
These webpages all over the country “not only tell you what URL’s resolved there,” but also “tells you where it lives.”
It lives on the main Unicom backbone in China and Konnech app’s URL’s live there as well.
6. In January 2021, True the Vote discovers the URL’s are “living” on a server in China. Then a man by the name of Mike Hasson contacts Phillips, explaining he had access from an “unsecured server in China.”
Phillips testified that he met with Hasson and another person in Dallas, January 2021. Hasson showed on the TV screen in the hotel the “enormous amounts of data (he was told 350 TB) on a server located in China, some of it including sensitive data on American poll workers” including what Phillips claims was “43,000 records of Los Angeles poll workers.”
7. True the Vote contacted DNI (the Director of National Intelligence) and filed a formal complaint with the FBI.
True the Vote supplied the FBI with the results from Binary Edge research and had assigned to them two agents, Bobby Nyugen and Kevin McKenna.
Phillips says the FBI’s interest increased because Mr. Yu “was already on their radar, but they could never pin him down with anything.”
This began an 18-month investigation that began prior to the Johnson County investigation.
In fact, several counties, including Johnson County, became swept up in the FBI Konnech, Inc investigation when the FBI and True the Vote discovered the county election employee’s personal information was going to China. This was brought to the County’s attention and further solidified our need to get access to the Konnech servers.
8. Phillips and Engelbrecht worked closely with the FBI, “as an operational asset and a counterintelligence operation.”
They “were part of the ops,” “being read in,” and traveling to meet the FBI “multiple times”
Phillips “personally went to Detroit,” the field office running the investigation and “shared information, shared phone calls, shared text,” with the FBI agents.
Catherine Engelbrecht signed an affidavit regarding numerous agents she was working with, such as Bruce Fowler a special agent out of Detroit.
9. In April/May of 2022, according to Phillips, the FBI “betrayed” them and blamed True the Vote for ‘having stolen the Chinese internet.’ (our Johnson County investigation had not started yet.)
Phillips said the FBI ordered them to tell Mr. Yu they had “penetrated his systems illegally.”
This event took place right before Dinesh D’Souza’s film “2000 Mules” was about to be released.
“Phillips claims the FBI told him ‘not to worry,’ we’ll ‘work this out,’ and ‘nobody’s in trouble right now.’”
Yet, in mid-May, a couple of weeks after 2,000 Mules was released, “Phillips claims he got ‘a call from a senior agent at the FBI’ accusing him of stealing ‘three servers on the Unicom backbone in China.’ Yet after ‘a 15 minute pretty heated conversation,’ the agent said the Detroit FBI agents still wanted to work with him. Phillips says at that point he no longer trusted the FBI.”
At that point, True the Vote officially lost confidence in the FBI. This caused them to “GO NUCLEAR” and host “The Pit” event. They revealed they were working on bringing the information to a Grand Jury for the first time.
10. On September 12, 2022, Konnech denied the allegations, stating, “Konnech does not, and has never, stored any actual customer or poll worker data on any server in China,”
Konnech attempted to force True the Vote to reveal how it was breached. The clash back and forth in the Texas courts involved orders for True the Vote to give up protected information of Konnech.
They provided Mike Hasson’s name. However, they did not give up the other third-party source. (Phillips and Engelbrecht spent 3 weeks in jail for contempt of court23, over their refusal to release the third-party name.)
11. October 4, 2022, Eugene Yu is arrested in Michigan in conjunction with criminal charges pending in L.A. County. Mr. Yu was extradited to California and a search warrant was issued in Michigan for Konnech offices. Mr. Yu’s attorney claims the arrest is false. He had an affidavit from Mr. Yu’s IT director that no data was stored in China. “Everything is either in Lansing, East Lansing or backed-up in the Microsoft Cloud.” (The reader can access the article for more information)
12. Details about the evidence picked up in the Detroit, Michigan case (BA 509784) are heard in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Civil Division. (23STCP01914. December 7, 2023). 24

The nature of the proceedings with Non-party Konnech. Inc applies to those unopposed. Basically, consideration is being given to non-parties who have an interest in the property that was seized in Michigan.
For example, “A copy of all forensically sound evidence drives imaged from a)computer/electronic hardware obtained from any Konnech, Inc. Location or b)any and all cloud-based services used by Konnech. Also, involves all PCAP traffic at network perimeter c)All images Identifying ingress and egress TCP/IP source and and d)Destination of IP addresses for all known ports or protocols in use in such communications.” (This is from a petition dated September 25, 2023.)
This could potentially be Johnson County, who had been discussing this Konnech issue between the Sheriff’s office and the District Attorney’s office since September 2023.
I spoke to Detective Cronister on the phone on January 22, 2024 at 8:30am. He told me he had a 10:30 am meeting with Steve Howe and he was going to convince Howe to give him a subpoena for “all of the data in L.A. County’s possession that was present on the Konnech servers.”
Yet nothing is ever mentioned by Howe regarding the subpoena request, as future public discussions below will reveal.
The court ordered the case stayed on January 24, 2024. (see point number 24 below for more details.).
13. We now will pick up the pace of Johnson County involvement.
At a Doug Billings’ Determined Patriot event November 10 & 11, 2023, Mike Lindell informed the audience he would be visiting former President Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
Kansas GOP delegate and election investigator, Thad Snider, informed Mr. Lindell to please let President Trump’s attorneys know, “We still have 2020 ballots.”
Our 2020 ballots were becoming a rare item, with other counties destroying their ballots, even when the 2020 nationwide election remains hotly contested.
14. Within three weeks of the ballot announcement, Johnson County began inquiring “whether the ballots pertinent to past local elections can be destroyed.”
Detective Kevin Cronister replied on December 5, 2023, “We respectfully implore you not to destroy or dispose of any evidence that may be pertinent to this investigation, to include the ballots currently being held.”
In December 2023, Peg Trent, Chief Legal Counsel for the Johnson County Kansas Board of County Commissioners, sent an email to the Sheriff asking if it was his intent to seize the ballots in his criminal investigation.

On December 7, 2023, Mike Kelly, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, slid an item onto the consent agenda to be voted on in a swooping motion with other consent agenda items. It was the authorization to allow himself to unilaterally appoint a Republican and Democrat to oversee the destruction of the ballots from 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Commissioner O’Hara made the motion for the item to be removed from the consent agenda and to become an action item.
During discussion in the item, Attorney Peg Trent, accused Commissioner O’Hara of getting “political” for disputing the appointment of overseers. 25
Commissioner O’Hara claimed she was not being political and was merely requesting the item be tabled a week for a common courtesy to the Sheriff’s letter and his investigation.
Peg Trent claimed she was merely following the Statute to appoint overseers, per the Secretary of State’s Office, and that it did not mean they were necessarily going to destroy the ballots. She stated that destruction would be between the JoCo Election Commissioner and the Secretary of State’s Office.
The motion to table was denied.
Commissioner Ashcraft pointed out that the statute stated “The Board” should appoint, and not solely the chair.
After some hyper-partisan rhetoric from Chairman Kelly, including political words like “misinformation” and “lack of good faith,” the motion to appoint overseers himself was made by Mike Kelly, and passed 5-2.
15. Thad Snider reached out to the Attorney General of Kansas, Kris Kobach to request the ballots be preserved for the investigation. A.G. Kobach did request the Secretary of State to retain the ballots.26
Of course, if the media does not like evidence preserved for an investigation the article will use the word “conspiracy theory” often.
16. A New York Times article stated, “There is no evidence of significant problems.”
Yet the JoCo Sheriff Department’s request for the servers was denied by L.A. County, hindering their ability to complete their investigation.
So how does anyone know there were no “significant problems?”
The Sheriff was receiving calls from concerned citizens about securing the ballots for the investigation from the Johnson County Election Office, who noted space was running thin, and the citizens did not trust the county election office.27
Their superior is the Secretary of State, who did not fare well in the 2023 procedures audit done on 14 counties.28 So many voters did not trust their judgment.
17. In January 2024, Steve Howe came to a Republican Women’s luncheon to speak. I know Steve from working at the District Attorney’s Office years ago. I told him I had several people that were concerned about his re-election. Namely, they felt he was letting criminals walk and that he was too easy on crime. Howe asked if he could speak to them.
I set up a meeting on Presidents’ Day 2024, with seventeen people to answer questions.
Sheriff Hayden joined our meeting at the Johnson County Republican Office.
The two-hour conversation ended with focused questions on the Konnech investigation. Steve asked, “Who should be charged for this crime?”
His question was valid, for clearly, Los Angeles County decided Eugene Yu was golden, and Mr. Yu’s lawyer, Rick Guinn, was a former Joco Assistant District Attorney who had worked with Steve Howe in his early years.
During our meeting with Steve Howe, (which later we discovered and highly frowned upon), the ballots were “literally” being destroyed while we asked about them. (approximately two months after Chief Legal Counsel, Peg Trent, said they were only appointing overseers, and there were no intentions of the ballots being destroyed at that time.)
My final question to Steve as the meeting ended was, “Why do people want to destroy evidence in an investigation?” crickets.
18. Shortly later, during a political sheriff debate forum29, there was a back-and-forth between Republican Doug Bedford who is running for Sheriff and Cal Hayden, the present Sheriff. A question about the investigation allowed Doug to say, “He hasn’t seen any evidence produced in the investigation.”
Thad Snider who was present replied, “I have seen evidence.”
Doug asked, “You’ve seen evidence?”
“Yes, I gave him some of it,” replied Thad.
This followed with the Sheriff saying, “I had a warrant in hand” and they (Election Office per the Secretary of State’s Office) destroyed the ballots. (See texts between Fred Sherman and Bryan Caskey of the SOS Office)

19. Now, another problem exists. We have two candidates, the sheriff and the district attorney, running for re-election. They have been working together for years.
After the sheriff debate forum, the newspapers called the District Attorney’s Office about the warrant the Sheriff Hayden mentioned, and the DA’s office responded, “They knew nothing about a warrant.”
Because of the D.A.’s response, the newspapers made the decision to inform the public that the Sheriff was lying about the warrant.30
A District Attorney’s forum at Northeast Conservatives31 prompted more questions in response to this media blast. Resident Laura Owen asked Steve Howe if the Sheriff had given him a warrant to collect the ballots.
An ongoing investigation was not a topic Steve wanted to discuss. Nevertheless, he said, “He knew nothing about the ballots being destroyed” (which was not the question) and “I am unaware of any affidavit being presented to the judge.”
Howe had to approve the warrant before presenting it to the judge for signature. Since the judge had not signed, it was not a “valid” warrant. This statement is key. What a word salad! Until everyone signs a contract, it is not “valid,” but if I draft a contract, it is “in process” or “in hand,” making it “valid” when signed.
20. The present Assistant District Attorney of Douglas County, David Greenwald, who is running for District Attorney of Johnson County was asked what he would do in this situation, with the Sheriff’s investigation. He points out that he knew little about the investigation. Yet, if law enforcement gets a cell phone in a criminal investigation, we can request messages be preserved while in an ongoing investigation.
However, two more events catapulted the narrative even further. One, at a Sunflower Club meeting held June 8, 2024, a more controlled environment between David Greenwald and Steve Howe, and the other at an Olathe Republican meeting where selected video was taken.
21. At the Sunflower Club32, Howe opened his talk and Greenwald sprang into action, being tired of Steve Howe’s “half-truths” . . . David says, “It is fun to have someone come out and give you a bunch of half-truths and a partial picture. It is something he has been scolded for by the Disciplinary Administrator for lying to you and for giving you half the truth. And that is exactly what Steve just did. He gave you some of the truth.” (more on the 2024 District Attorney race can be found here)33
22. By law, the Sheriff could write a letter and request the ballots be kept for possible evidence; which is what the department did with Detective Cronister’s letter shown earlier in the article. However, the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners ignored his request.
23. At the Olathe Republican meeting, candidates showed up to speak. Sheriff Hayden and challenger Doug Bedford attended this forum once again. Sheriff Hayden had a copy of the warrant, and an audience member asked if the judge had “signed it”, and “stressed” that a warrant needed to be signed by a judge to be a “valid warrant.”
The Sheriff replied, “I didn’t say it was signed by the judge or a valid warrant.” 34
The Sheriff merely said he had one “in hand.”
In fact, it was the largest warrant in his history as a Sheriff, 20-pages cut down from 44, which was sent to the District Attorney’s Office on January 22, 2024, and sat on his desk for two weeks, per Detective Cronister.
It seemed like a stalling tactic by Howe. As I mentioned in my opening, there are several reasons for this. Election cases are death warrants for office runners, and the media can be a tool of execution.
24. The warrant had not gone to the judge for their signature because Steve Howe requested even more evidence admitted to the warrant, per Sheriff Hayden and Detective Cronister, before Howe would present it to the judge.
Steve Howe knew a warrant was in play because I knew it was in play.
I spoke to Detective Cronister on the phone on January 22, 2024 at 8:30am. He told me he had a 10:30am meeting with Steve Howe, and he was going to convince Howe to give him a subpoena for “all of the data in L.A. County’s possession that was present on the Konnech servers” (as discussed in point 12 above.)
During that conversation, I asked if he had included in his warrant the other states that had issues with Konnech.
One such issue was Montana voting software linked to a Chinese Data Leak arrest.35 and the Montana legislators asked their AG for a Konnech voting software halt, pending their investigation. 36 (these Montana articles are full of great links to evidence, and I encourage the reader to read them.)
Another was about MP Fiona Simpson from Queensland Australia. They had problems with their 2020 election and questioned Konnech’s new software and its servers located in Wuhan, China.37
In response to the issue, Eugene Yu threatened to sue Queensland.
25. According to the Kagdrogo Newsletter on Substack,38 anything that enters the Chinese internet belongs to the Chinese Communist Part (CCP).
It also reported that Konnech is known to store on its servers the location of voting machines, building schematics and many other kinds of sensitive election data that could be useful to CCP state-backed hacker groups.
26. Finally, in every debate over elections in Kansas, or even Johnson County, our machines have a looming issue that never seems resolved. One of the most controversial pieces of evidence against Kansas machines stays out of the spotlight, the Value Them Both recount.
The news wanted to reassure anyone’s feelings that the recount would not flip the Abortion Amendment in 2022. However, few realized the recount was to see if errors occurred, “I don’t know,” Gietzen said when asked whether the partial recount will change the results dealing with the abortion amendment. “That wasn’t really the reason we went forward with the recount. We think the election system is broken.”39
The recount was successful in that it did reveal that errors occurred.
Nine counties participated in the recount.
Although Johnson County Election Commissioner, Fred Sherman, told Fox 4 that the results in Johnson County were accurate, Johnson County actually had 54 errors. That is 54 votes that should have counted Yes but counted No.
At least Douglas County was honest in reporting their errors. The Fox article continues, “In Douglas County, Clerk Jamie Shew oversees elections. His workers are doing a hand recount as well as the workers in Johnson. 47,000 people voted on this amendment in Douglas county. 81% of the people voted no. 19% voted yes, a difference of 29,000. The hand recount, according to Shew, may change just a couple of votes.“
HAVA permits one error for every 250,000 votes.
Sedgwick County had so many errors that it stopped counting.
Kansas Director of Elections Bryan Caskey, who works for Republican Secretary of State Scott Schwab, is also quoted in the Fox article. (Bryan) “does not believe the recount will change the results of the “Value Them Both” amendment either. ‘I believe the recount will show Kansas elections are done securely, and transparently,’ he said in a news conference over zoom Tuesday. ‘It will validate the unofficial election night results we had on election night, and the official results that were certified by the counties earlier this week and last.’ Caskey said the recount results from the nine counties have to be done by Saturday. Sherman hopes his results are done by Friday.”
We have ES&S machines. While in Topeka, the Liberty Lions League spoke to all of the machines’ representatives. Kansas has sixty-seven counties that use ES&S. Could they tell me what they thought of the Value Them Both recount and the errors made by their machines? They looked genuinely shocked and knew nothing about a recount or errors, and no one from the company wanted that conversation to continue.
I opened this article by telling the reader that you are gaining information about crimes, cover-ups, bullying, lying, and intimidation.
Although Kansas voters suspect election errors, specifically after reports of situations like the Cherokee County race where the thumb drive switched the results,40 unfortunately it is not easy nor cheap to request a recount in Kansas, and the audit process is too narrow to address all counties.
In order to get a recount, a bond must be paid by the requestor to each county named in the recount.
The original recount was going to cost $229,334.35,41 an amount that is out of reach for the average person.
So the requested counties were modified to include only the 9 largest counties, for a total of $120,000

Unfortunately, in order to prove errors in the machines, Mark Gietzen, had to put up his house as collateral for the $120,000 recount.
If any errors occurred, they were supposed to pay him back.
Sadly, he died in his own 1963 Cessna 172 plane after crashing north and east of Chambers, Nebraska on May 16, 2023.
Although there were recount errors, his money was never returned.
In an ironic twist, one paper said Mark participated in the “unsuccessful 2022 recount effort.”
Yet this Patriot who loved the life of the unborn more than his own life, may in his death have provided the greatest evidence we have to the machine errors.
As to the Sheriff, he has no reason to lie. He had no reason to start an investigation into one of the most controversial subjects in our political history. He could have ignored the hundreds of calls and numerous sworn statements from voters in Johnson County claiming election issues at the polls.
Technically, it was not in his favor to put his head on a chopping block, for political enemies and media to lop off; yet he did.
Sheriff Calvin Hayden is an exceptional public servant. When others are not willing to take the heat, he stands in the gap.
The facts are in his favor. He has been tested, and he is trusted.
I invite the reader to watch the links to the Police raid at the Konnech office,42, 43 with 6 hours of Police body cam footage. The officer’s notes, (see below) reads “The Database is in China and using a HUAWEI phone.”
Please read the evidence, including all article links, and form your own conclusion, instead of relying on fake news and cries of “conspiracy theory” by the real “election deniers” who went to great lengths to make sure the 2020 ballots were “destroyed ASAP,” leaving the voters to wonder, are they afraid any investigation into election integrity will show that people are making decisions with your life and money who should never have been in office?

(6) Kallina, Edmund F. “The State’s Attorney and the President: The Inside Story of the 1960 Presidential Election in Illinois.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, 1978, pp. 147–60. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/27553392. Accessed 9 July 2024.
(7) https://www.jocogov.org/newsroom/update-johnson-countys-use-pollchief-oct-21
(8) https://theauthorityq.substack.com/p/a-summary-of-konnech-products-and
(12) https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/13/technology/konnech-eugene-yu-election-data.html
(13) https://toresays.com/2022/10/05/op-ed-chinese-company-konnech-funded-by-dod/
(15) https://www.wired.com/2004/12/more-questions-for-florida/
(17) https://sentinelksmo.org/joco-poll-workers-warned-about-potential-konnech-identity-theft/
(19) https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txsd.1888133/gov.uscourts.txsd.1888133.9.0.pdf
(20) https://www.npr.org/2022/11/10/1135839608/los-angeles-county-dropped-charges-konnech-true-the-vote
(21) https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/25/technology/los-angeles-county-eugene-yu-wrongful-charges.html
(23) https://www.texastribune.org/2022/10/31/true-the-vote-leaders-jailed/
(25) https://youtu.be/dgo9896BqpE?si=8bdgyTnJZzZTFv1f
(29) https://rumble.com/v4q3i70-sheriff-calvin-hayden-and-doug-bedford-forum-op-ks-4-13-2024.html
(30) https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article287798700.html
(31) https://rumble.com/v56qdek-johnson-county-ks-district-attorney-forum-op-ks-4-22-2024.html?start=2490
(32) https://rumble.com/v50g9jh-joco-district-attorney-public-forum-at-sunflower-club-op-ks-6-8-2024.html
(34) https://www.yahoo.com/news/didn-t-valid-johnson-county-164547487.html
(35) https://mtelectionintegrity.org/news/montana-voting-software-linked-to-chinese-data-leak-arrest
(36) https://www.westernmt.news/@roy/story/montana-legislators-ask-ag-for-konnech-investigation
(39) https://fox4kc.com/news/man-who-paid-120k-for-value-them-both-recount-speaks-out
(42) https://x.com/yehuda_miller/status/1807457208407331247 Konnech raid part 1.
(43) https://x.com/yehuda_miller/status/1807457215147647438?s=52&t=iRPzWXn_7oAa9WT9oHyvzw Konnech raid part 2. Also, part 3 on X.
This is an amazingly detailed and documented article on how the whole Johnson County Kansas election investigation case really went down! Most people don’t take the time to gather the facts and run around on false promises instead. Clearly our Secretary of State and Brian Caskey along with Johnson County Fred Sherman Are part of a huge cover-up!