Dr Mark Steffen Announces Candidacy for Republican National Committeeman

Kansas State Republican Party Delegates,

These are exciting times. A Kansas revival is underway. First came a bold businessman from NYC determined to Make America Great Again. Donald Trump rocked the world and sent a tsunami through the Establishment when he was elected President of the United States. He then proceeded to back up his bold talk with effective action. It was but three short years ago that our United States of America was blessed with the greatest economy in the history of mankind.

Next came the Covid debacle and the Biden Administration. These two events effectively ripped off the Band-Aid exposing the wounds of lost freedoms and a weaponized government. We were accidentally allowed to see behind the curtain of our failed public school system, our profit-first healthcare system, and the make-believe excuse for all things liberal, “climate change”.

Now, the inevitable reaction is spreading across Kansas and the nation. We recently witnessed it in the U.S. House of Representatives where a Speaker was held to his word and summarily dismissed. That was NOT chaos. In fact, it was what ACCOUNTABILITY looks like. Accountability has become such a rare commodity in politics that it is hard to recognize. In Kansas, our Republican Party elected a brash, straight-talking businessman as State Chairman. Strength and truth are back in style, a natural and historically common reaction to the pendulum having swung too far towards the lobbyist and business-controlled Establishment.

I ran for the Kansas State Senate (and won) in 2020 as part of this conservative, Trump MAGA movement. I walked into the Senate with God in the lead and soon learned that I was actually just a straightforward Kansas Republican Party PLATFORM supporter, like many of you. By God’s grace and our biblical values, I stand on our core values of steadfastly following the Constitution, small government and low taxes. This has guided our nation to prosperity for over two hundred forty years. In the senate, I have led the way promoting the return of our FREEDOMS abducted during Covid. I have voted repeatedly against budgets wildly outpacing inflation. I have begged for smaller government while the legislature adds program after program on a never-ending basis. I have stood against bills creating tax breaks for a very few at the expense of the grassroots taxpayer. I have not caved to their flawed governance strategies antithetical to our Republican values. I see the disruptive effect lobbyists and big business has on our legislature. Interestingly, the mistake they make is trying to fix an unfair taxation and regulation system with more imbalance which only makes matters worse. Governance that is BY and FOR the PEOPLE ensures an environment in which commerce thrives well into the future. When the will of the people is replaced by the hierarchy of Establishment control, the opposite occurs.

As your Kansas Republican Party National Committeeman, I pledge to carry our values to every corner of the state and nation. My top priority will be educating folks regarding the functionality of our Platform. I believe that the tent stakes of our “Big Tent” are these values and the reason the tent stands strong. As such, it provides protection from the liberal storm wreaking havoc on our state and nation. People will come for the safe haven we uniquely provide. Our nation has been smothered in lies and liberalism for decades, many emanating from our own government. This must stop! The truth will set us free. TRUTH is the winning strategy for our Republican Party, our State of Kansas, and our nation.

In God we trust,

Mark B. Steffen, M.D.


  • Promote our KS Republican Party Platform.
  • Inspire the Republican electorate to vote. Every vote matters.
  • Mine new funding sources that share our values, not force us into theirs.
  • Help return the Republican National Committee to a culture of winning.
  • Support our State Chairman

“Our political leadership has moved away from our core principles and the Constitution. Inflation, crime, deteriorating families, and deteriorating schools are the fallout from this rudderless leadership. It’s time to right the ship with God, family, and true conservatism.”

Dr. Mark Steffen

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