Part 2 – Changing Parties: Welcome, Faris Farassati! “Let’s talk.”

by Victoria Kline

Integrity Intercept: Eyes on the Truth

Intercept #10B

Part Two of Two

Welcome to Part Two of my interview with Faris Farassati and Mike Czinege.

You can find Part One (here), in which the reader is introduced to Dr. Faris Farassati, a cancer research scientist who has left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party.

This BIG SWITCH, as I refer to it, came about due to an ongoing friendship that developed between Faris and Mike, who were opponents for the Overland Park Mayoral race in 2021. 

We begin by picking up the question of Election Integrity. 

In part, we explained how a man named Jereld Thompson, a voter in Wyandotte County and a lifetime Republican, had his status changed from Republican to Democrat, and he had to vote with a provisional ballot. His voter issue was fixed, but it still begs the question, “Why was it messed up in the first place?”

Voter integrity is something I work on a great deal, and both Faris and Mike lost their local elections even though it appeared they were highly favored. This, and Mr. Thompson’s experience, allows one to examine the possibility that an issue exists. Faris was curious about Mr. Thompson and asked a question:

Faris: Is that a mistake or fraud?

Vicki: It is what they are doing. The voter rolls are messed up. In fact, it would be good to have anyone that has lived in another county or state to call and check to see if their name and old address is being used to vote. We (Kansas Republicans) hired Jay Valentine from Omega4America to go over our voter rolls.

They gave the report to Senate President Ty Masterson, Mike Pirner, Senator Mike Thompson, and others. You can hear the report in a video. (1) 

It appears, at this point,we are not going to use them. Recently, in a documentary by Professor David Clements, “Let My People Go” (2), a man is interviewed about their voter rolls. His story is what I believe could also be happening here. 

Although I did say some of this. I am writing the whole thing out for the reader. 

Kris Jurski begins his interview by saying, “All voters have access to the Voter Data Base.” 

Mr. Jurski is a systems developer that specializes in scaling small organizations. He began a group called The People’s Audit, to address voter fraud in Florida. “It was the primary of 2022. (3) We started in June, and we were getting daily updates.” This included requests with mail-in ballots. The lists are updated daily.

Kris continued, “As I was going through theses addresses, a road jumped out at me, which was similar in my town, called Red Belly Road. I could not find it on Zillow or Google or any tax appraiser records. What is going on? We saw that 37 people were located on that road and those people were also on 12th street. They all existed, their deeds to their houses matched, only to 12th street.

Out of the 37 people, only five requested mail-in ballots which went to the Red Belly Road, which did not exist, yet showed delivered.

We checked them again in August. Everyone was switched back to 12th street. If you are following the timeline, they were on 12th street in the 2020 election. They switched to Red Belly Road somewhere in June. They requested five mail-in ballots that show delivered. How can they be delivered to a fictitious address? Then, right before the checking of the election, they were switched back to 12th Street.

We always thought the voter rolls were static. Like a sheet of paper, as if just appending new records. We didn’t think older records were being manipulated. That Red Belly Road is an address flipper. It is identity theft.

Affidavits from everyone on that street, right after that election. No one knew what we were talking about. These are insertions, they were deactivated in one county and reactivated into another county.

Sometimes their birthday changed, or their name changed. In most cases, their Party changed.”  

And this is only one story in the documentary. 

Faris: They mirrored it. 

Vicki: Except the person is now a Democrat, and the street does not exist. And he tells you that if he had not seen it (had it on disc), you would never have known it existed. In fact, this is what Mark Cook reveals. “Yes, the machines can be rigged. Yes, they screw up all the time. Yes, you want to go to paper ballots.” (2)

In fact, use paper ballots and a tabulator as a back-up to any human error. 

Vicki: But the strong culprit is the voter rolls, and they are messing with them all the time. I believe Mike won his race, and it was manipulated somehow.

Faris: Yeah, I call him Real Mayor Mike. However, in my humble experience, when the margin is big, it won’t work. Really, people need to listen to something they like. 

Vicki: I would encourage watching the documentary. This “margin” is addressed. So, as we finish this interview, I want to know what you share that is alike and how you came to terms between them Republican and Democrat platforms?

Mike: Besides government stuff?

Vicki: Yes, what else?

Mike: I think Faris and I have very common values. We are two different religions, yet we share values around integrity, hard work, individual accountability, and family values.

I don’t know his family very well, but I have met them. His wife is friendly and protective of her family. They have children that have grown up well and are responsible and contributing members of society.

Ali (his son) is still in high school, and his daughter, Fatemeh at KU.

Faris has asked about my family and has met most of them.

I think, outside of politics, other than we are different religions, our life values are similar. We have one substantial difference that will divide us, and I try not to hold it against him, but he owns an electric vehicle. 

Faris Laughs.

Mike: I find that repulsive. (Mike uses sarcasm well to make a point.)

Faris: So, does my 14-year-old. He thinks it’s kind of “lame”!! 

Vicki: It’s all electric?

Faris: I pay two dollars a week to drive this car. I think Mike is right. I have a man here that has taught me a lot about the Republican Party. I consider him a mentor for me. You look at his family and life and how much he loves his family. He is a father to each and every one of them. That is what we pursue. That is why we came to the United States. One of my friends, Jeff, he says, “Some of the most patriotic people I have seen are immigrants to this country.” 

The Cato Institute wrote a similar article in 2019. “Learning English and adopting American social values are important components of assimilation…Based on their responses to the General Social Survey, we found that immigrants and their children have levels of patriotism that are about the same as those of native‐born Americans or that exceed them. Additionally, immigrants and their descendants have more trust in the three branches of American government than do native‐born Americans. Immigrants bolster patriotism and national trust in American government institutions.” (4)

In fact, John Steinbeck wrote the reason, “…socialism never came to America – is that poor people in this country don’t see themselves as poor – they see themselves as future rich people.” Ah, the American dream. (5). 

Faris: I believe in the American Dream. When I look at Mike’s family, successful, educated people, and the family structure is there. That is what I want to pursue. I did not come to this country to have my children in school confused about their identity. I don’t need indoctrination. 

Vicki: Your children were all born here?

Faris: Yes

Vicki: Have they been to Iran?

Faris: Yes, we go back and forth all the time. I will tell you this. One time we were in the airport. It was the anniversary of the Embassy hostage-taking. 

In 1973, 53 (originally 60) American diplomatic hostages in the American Embassy of Iran were taken by terrorists from a group of militarized Iranian college students belonging to the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line, which supported the Iranian Revolution. They were angry that the Shah of Iran was allowed to leave for magical sanctuary. The hostages were held for 444 days and released when Carter transferred power to Reagan at his inaugural address. This is depicted in the movie, Argo. (6) Also, the Canadians and their embassy were heavily involved. (7)

Faris: They had posters up everywhere, reminding people what a great event this was. (Faris also uses sarcasm to make his point.) What a victory it was to wall off an embassy of another country and, according to the Iranian Constitution, this should be regarded as American soil. It was an illegal act, according to Iran’s Constitution, and right now, after 43 years, people are beginning to condemn it. Even the ones who did it are apologizing. (8) (9)

There are newly released documents in 2019 on the 40-year anniversary of this event. Here is one sampling that has been declassified: “Today, the National Security Archive is posting a small sampling… they include a memo from National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski to President Carter suggesting several hardline actions, including replacing Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as Iran’s leader, and even overt intervention. Carter was not prepared to take up any of these options, but they indicate the level of alarm created by events in Tehran”. (10)

Mike: Really?

Faris: My daughter was looking at this at the airport and she starts raising her voice, in English, “What is this nonsense about my country [America]? Do you guys like this?” I am looking around as people watch this American girl yelling.  I said, “Calm down, you are going to get us arrested.” What I am saying is, they are exposed to both cultures very strongly. What I have told them is, “You are American first, second, and third. Okay, yes, you can be charitable, and love Iran. The country of your parents. You can help with philanthropic causes. But at the end of the day, we are AMERICAN. You come with a package of an immigrant. You come being an immigrant with a dream, and America offers a great deal of opportunity, and you believe in that dream, and you don’t want to let it go.” What you hear from the other side [from the Democrats] is a far contrast to this.

Vicki: Yes, you said at the Elephant Club meeting that Democrats foment fear the that we [Republicans] want to deport you. Did I hear that correctly?

Faris: Yeah, constantly. Look at the national platform. “They are going to close the border. They will not let your parents come in.”

Technically, Republican opponent Chris Christie chastised Trump in New Hampshire saying that he never changed any immigration laws. (Some would say they needed to just uphold what was in the books.) President Trump did enact many executive orders. Christie’s statement dismisses the impact of Trump’s executive orders and how Congress did approve money for a border structure. Changes during Trump’s tenure increased enforcement and restricted legal immigration, according to the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan policy group. And Trump’s administration “set an unprecedented pace” for executive actions, notching 472 changes, the institute found in a 2022 report. (11) (12) Yet a hard line was taken by President Trump with Iran.  

Faris: I do not want people coming to this country under barbed wire. I came into this country, and I came based on a Visa, and letters of recommendation by Harvard professors. It took me five years to get my green card. I did not complain. I did not need to complain. I stood in line year after year, and they wanted my documents about my prominence as a cancer scientist. My category was Aliens of Extraordinary Ability, which is the athletic equivalent of it would be like someone who won an Olympic medal. Therefore, it took US Immigration five years to believe that I was a good cancer scientist. 

Vicki: How does your family feel about you switching over to the Republican Party?

Faris: Well, yes, they are okay with it. They may have some criticisms at the national level. Some characters, but they do not allow that to influence their opinion about the whole thing. 

Vicki: Do you think they will follow you?

Faris makes the following observations to these questions about the Party. 

• His wife has always been Unaffiliated. She was never a Democrat. His children are still angry at the way he was treated in his election. They are fully supportive and encourage him to go where he feels he can accomplish the most. 

• He appreciated that Mike took each question about issues piece by piece. He explained some of the myths. Besides, Faris became a Democrat while attending Harvard back in 2001. He notes that those he idolized back then would not support what the Democrat Party is today. 

• Faris also will say that the fit is not 100% compatibility. The normal values of life we pursue in daily life is found in the Republican Platform, both nationally and locally. 

• And, that he is not unique. He knows other Americans from Iranian roots that have joined or want to join the Republican Party, and they are not happy with Biden’s behavior toward Iran. 

Faris: You must understand this about Iranians or Persians. This country is different than the rest of the Muslim countries under Islam. The Islamic faith entered Iran with war, with swords killing people. It’s just a historical fact. They invaded Iran. But the Iranian identity and culture has always survived and prevailed. Many American/Iranians and Muslims want to become Republicans, and they [the GOP] must define themselves. The Party is not racist, they do not want to kick everyone out of the country. They do not want to kill the environment. The Party needs to start to defend itself. 

And, true to his word, Faris responded to an unfavorable piece by The Heartlander newspaper (13)

Vicki: I say they should defend as well. They say it will get twisted. 

Faris: You must. Yes, it may get twisted. Mike and I ran in Overland Park and not one word we said was “extremist,” and yet Curt Skoog called Mike and I, “extremists.”

Mike: He called us radicals.

Faris: Yes, radicals. We spoke about accountability and quality of life. Why can’t that be our national message? Money flowing back into the people’s pockets. Who will say no to that?

There is an excellent piece by the Sentinel that explained the “shadowy government” style Faris and Mike feel like they are up against. (14)

Vicki: Not many. So, you go over after October 7th to the Jewish event at Union Station and the woman you ran against [Inas Younis] was there. She is a Muslim Iranian as well?

Faris: No. I think she is from Iraq. I went, and the Jewish leaders asked if I wanted to take a picture with them, and I said, “Of course.” I had on my Chiefs shirt. We took a picture. Then, on Saturday, a few days later there were texts going all over the Muslim Community that I supported Israel. Then the Palestinians invited me, and I went over to hear what they had to say.

Mind you, she did not show up there. I did. My opponents make a big deal about me sympathizing with a tragedy. At that point, Israel had not even invaded Gaza. I went back to the mosque a few days later, and some of the men came up and said, “We are glad you went, and you represented us very well. You were sad about this thing that happened.” Some maybe did not like seeing me there but they were happy I attended and listened to both sides.

Although, Inas appeared to not care if Representative Sharice David’s stood with Israel (15).

Mike: You know, you talk about election integrity. Perhaps mine was close and there were some issues. Yet, it was Faris’s election that did not make any sense. I walked 500 to 600 homes for Faris. It was not the first time I have voted for a Democrat. It was the first time I walked for a Democrat. I talked to people. I did not drop literature. I can count less than 10 people that I spoke with that would vote for Inas Younis. Almost everyone was going to vote for Faris. 

In this interview, many election issues were discussed. These will be brought up in a different form in another investigative piece in the future. 

To finish up Part Two: I think the two gentlemen, former political opponents who became good friends, finished with a story that summarizes what they are doing.

Faris hopes these discussions will help to stop the disconnectivity of the younger generation and others. He wants the Young Republicans to be thinking about running for the Senate and knowing they will win… because they have the winning platform and understand the issues

Mike ends with a wonderful story after seeing a plaque on my wall that reads, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This quote is from the Bible in Joshua 24:15. He looks at Faris. 

Mike: That is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. While we were campaigning, there was an event at an Orthodox Jewish man’s home. After the event, we had two Orthodox Jews, two evangelical Christians, a Muslim (Faris) and I, a Catholic. We have a picture someplace. We talked for over an hour and half. We talked about politics, values, and integrity. We did not have one confrontational moment. 

Faris: In Iran, we have a saying, “When one speaks from the heart, the words will land on the heart.”Presently, things are abnormal and weird. In 1962, two men, Watson and Crick, discovered the X and Y chromosome and won a Nobel Prize.(16) If this is not true, then take the Nobel Prize back. There is a famous movie about Mohammad. It is called The Message, with Anthony Quinn. (17) It points out that Islam could not exist without Christianity. Mohammad sent a delegation to Ethiopia and the Christian Emperor Negus allowed them to live. The Arab tribes were there and asked to kill off the Muslims, and he said “No, a true religion is the same light from the same light source.” (18) Then, during the Crusades, Islam protected the Jews. 

Faris cites one example of when the Jews and Muslims were allied to defend Haifa against the Christian Crusaders, about 1096-1099. Faris pointed out the cycle of the three Abrahamic faiths. Yes, at times they are at war, and other times they have alliances for survival and agreed-upon mutual issues. (19)

Faris: These people in Islam, like ISIS and HAMAS… I did not learn as a kid their type of Islam. 

Mike: I think that is fair. I do not follow this present Pope. I think he is as wrong as Joe Biden. I pray for six world leaders: Biden, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, the Mujahedin of Iran, Putin, and the Pope. 

Prayer, the weapon of mass destruction we forget. 

I end this two-part piece as the headline originally began. 

“Welcome Faris Farassati… Let’s Talk.” I want to point out that Faris did not just reach across the aisle and a Party platform; he reached back into history, faith, and governance. 

Friendship, like a precious gem, often emerges from the depths of shared experiences.

Misunderstandings, like heaps of rubble, can be sifted through to reveal the foundation of a strong bond.

Just as skilled hands extract valuable minerals from rocky terrain, genuine connections can emerge from the chaos of miscommunication. 

In the context of governance, we can draw parallels.

Effective governance requires understanding, compromise, and the ability to navigate complexities.

When individuals work together, transcending misunderstandings, they forge lasting friendships—solid and unyielding. 

So, let’s celebrate those moments when bridges are built over the chasms of confusion, and friendships bloom amidst the debris of misunderstanding.

Mike Czinege and Dr. Faris Farassati





5. Watters, J. (2024). Get it together: Troubling Tales from the Liberal Fringe. HarperCollins. (pg. 129)
















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