Integrity Intercept Eyes On the Truth: Intercept #16, International Tech, Part One of Three
February 18, 2025
There is more news about China than about Taylor Swift or Travis Kelce now.
As I thumb through “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese military book, which dates to the 5th and 6th centuries BC, a period referred to as Spring and Autumn. (That is a historical period and not a fashion show date). Sun Tzu or Sun Wu, was a military general and philosopher known for writing “The Art of War.” I reference this well-known book because we are rather enamored with things and ideas from China, and it is quoted often.(1)
From this 13-chapter book comes a lot of water imagery. We learn tactics used in military strategy, sports, business, interpersonal relationships, and espionage. We must not forget espionage. A word seldom found in the same sentence as personal relationships.
Right out of the gate – the Watergate – the first lesson of the book is “Know Yourself and Your Enemy: Victory is within your grasp if you KNOW these two things.”
This segway introduces a channel I came across by a guy named Laowhy86 or C-Milk, a.k.a Mathew Tye (2). He makes his living watching and reporting on Chinese disinformation.
He brought to my attention an AI product called DeepSeek. (The logo is a whale to keep with the water theme.) According to Mathew, it has hit everyone’s radar overnight. Which should be a clue that Uncle propaganda is in town. (3)
Before asking Sun Tzu the essential question, I share his stellar observations, “Why don’t we know ourselves or our enemy?” probably because we are not 100% sure why China is our enemy. Sure, there may be chips in our China, a break in our water dam. Yet can’t we be content to get along with our deceptive friends?
First, Mathew says that “almost every single social media person, every single news outlet or every new comment or message I get is about this Chinese AI, DeepSeek.”
Mathew’s left shoulder is adorned with headlines. I believe him. It entered my world, and AI is not a big part of my world. “It has revolutionized not just the game, but the entire world. This has caused CHINA to completely destroy the United States,” according to a sarcastic Mathew.
DeepSeek is like ChatGPT
“When the victorious get their people to go to battle as if they were directing a massive flood of water into a deep canyon, this is a matter of formation. When water accumulates in a deep canyon, no one can measure its amount, just as our defense shows no form. When the water is released, it rushes down in a torrent, just as our attack is irresistible.”
Mathew asks in his video. “What is the real story behind its meteorite rise?” Is it innovative AI?” Spoiler alert, he feels the product is garbage.
Mathew then takes his listener on an Eros Tour of Chinese tech that has lots of shows and no awards. Yes, it outperforms other AI platforms like ChatGPT and Google Gemini. It’s number one in the App Store, and the market is panicking. It holds about 80% of the market according to Forbes. (4) And Jensen Huang guarantees that NVIDIA chips are the best deal as they save on the total cost of ownership. For NVIDIA to keep on winning, customers must continue to flock to the company for their AI needs and get in on the company’s latest and highest-priced chips. The tech giant, promising AI customers updated chips on an annual basis, has used innovation to keep this momentum going.”
“…customers must continue to flock”…and it sounds like they (China) “know their enemy” better than we know ourselves.
However, is it not true that China produces wonderful products? Isn’t that why we import them? Or is China adept at making it appear their products are superior because they know their enemy and can utilize psyops, espionage and propaganda better than our own?
Where else has China lied about markets to make them run wild?
How about the straddle bus? (5)
“A Chinese inventor’s plan to develop such a vehicle, called a “traffic-straddling bus,” has been effectively killed after 32 people from an investment company that backed the project were arrested. The bus was designed to ride on tracks, but with its body elevated so that two lanes of traffic could pass underneath.” It’s like watching a Warner Brothers cartoon.
It was supposed to be the future. Yet the invention was wet noodles and sent people to jail.
How about the computer chip fraud scandal? (6)
“Chen Jin, dean of the microelectronics school at Shanghai Jiaotong University in Shanghai, was sacked for falsifying research into digital signal processing (DSP) computer chips, state media announced on 12 May.”
Supposedly, fake research into microprocessors shows the pressure they are under to keep up with the West. The investigation was started after an internet post accused Chen of fraud. It was not a chip made WHOLLY in China, but Motorola was eventually involved.
Wow, and that is all it takes? Just accuse fraud, and boom the Chinese government is all over it like white on rice? (Sorry it fits the story).
Chen Jin, however, has not admitted wrongdoing, and the government needs to “wean itself off foreign technology.” About 83% of the microchips sold in China in 2004 were imported and the market is expanding rapidly.”
Fast forward to 2023 with the company POWER LEADER – “A Chinese company who was supposedly making the world’s fastest processor, was caught rebadging old Intel CPU’s and passing them off as their own.” (7)
The headline literally reads “China caught lying: Homegrown chip dubbed as ‘world’s most powerful’ is actually old Intel silicon.”
The BLEEPING COMPUTER website, written in their article of January 30, 2025, says that China has found a backdoor into just about everything. The latest revelation has been that our health monitors in the hospital are sending information back to an IP in China. (8)
An update to the original article states that they do not believe a “backdoor” exists. However, they admit that they never received a reply from Contec. “After analyzing its firmware, they believe the behavior described by CISA and the FDA is an auto-update mechanism and not a backdoor. Claroty says the manual instructs admins to configure the monitor’s central monitoring center to a public IP address of, the IP address seen by CISA. Furthermore, the researchers say that the update routine can only be triggered when booting up the system and pressing a button on the device.”
Well, if CISA scouts out the problem, I feel more assured. It takes being hacked to understand hackers, right CISA? (9)
Recently, newly elected Sheriff Byron Robertson sent a memo about Sheriff Hayden’s election investigation. He finally answered the one-million-dollar question, “How much did this investigation cost Johnson County?” Here is the deep dive in Free State News about the Konnech investigation. (10)
Clearly from reading the first article, China was involved, and no one wanted to touch it with a ten-foot pole. Or was it not time yet?
The irony of this ice bullet that pierced the soul of Johnson County and sent a remarkable Sheriff out of his office with an untrue accusation melts quickly.
It melts when the true body of evidence warms up the computer screens, news outlets and meeting halls of this populace.
The Konnech investigation is like that of DeepSeek. It appears to look one way when the company’s clear words lay out their intent. Everyone should be wary of the infiltration into our personal lives by our deceptive “friend,” China.
“Everything belongs to China.” If you lean left, it may seem fine that the government owns everything, but writing this 100 times may be helpful. It is NOT AMERICAN.
China is not a free country. There is no criticism of the leadership. It is a one-party nation and China owns everything, and they have zero respect for anything that identifies itself as personal or private. As we finish part one of this series, we look at what DeepSeek tells the buyer of this product.

No need to pretend ignorance. They collect texts, audio files, uploaded files, and chat history. It’s the neighbor at the co-op meeting who owns up to being a peeping Tom.
Part two: The knowledge of things no one wishes to own.
2.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew Tye
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&app=desktop&v=jCgIhhKn6Lw
4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2025/01/29/deepseek-panic-live-updates-nvidia-stock-drops-4-as-trump-reportedly-mulls-china-chip-sale-restrictions/
5. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/04/world/asia/china-bus-road-straddling.html?smid=url-share
6. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn9172-computer-chip-fraud-scandalises-china/
(7) https://www.firstpost.com/world/china-homegrown-chip-dubbed-as-worlds-most-powerful-is-actually-old-intel-silicon-12674842.html
(8) https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/backdoor-found-in-two-healthcare-patient-monitors-linked-to-ip-in-china/
(9). https://securityintelligence.com/news/cisa-hackers-key-systems-offline/
(10) https://freestatenews.net/citizen-journalists/integrity-intercept-eyes-on-the-truth/if-the-truth-be-told-sheriff-calvin-hayden-is-a-great-public-servant-now-about-that-konnech-investigation/