Conspiracy or Incompetency?

by Charlotte O’Hara

Commissioner, 3rd District, Johnson County, Kansas

This opinion piece does not reflect the BOCC’s majority view

July 26, 2024

How low have we fallen, we as a great nation, the United States of America?

The blood of our forefathers paid for OUR freedom and We the People are squandering their legacy in shameful turning from the foundational principles of our Judeo-Christian heritage to the scourge of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

36 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence suffered SEVERE, direct consequences for having the courage to stand strong by saying “no more” to Britain’s tyrannical King George III.  And now, by turning from God, WE are suffering direct consequences which imperil our nation.

July the 13th, the assassination attempt against former President Trump plunged the Secret Service into the spotlight. Their failings ignited conspiracy theories all across social media. 

Conspiracy possible? Yes, but probable and possibly far more dangerous to our beloved nation is the INCOMPETENCY engendered and driven by the insanity of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Please note how the Democrats have piled onto the former Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle. By pointing the finger of blame at the former director, the Democrats have attempted to divert attention from the true source of the abysmal, horrid, tragic failure of July 13th….Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Should Secret Service Director Cheatle have resigned?  Absolutely yes! 

However, that is just the TINY first step of exorcising this demon, the underlying cause, DEI.

This cancer, which has destroyed the concept of meritocracy as a central tenant of hiring practices within not only our government but also in our large corporations, is one of the most destructive and dangerous movements our nation has faced. Whoring after this leftist agenda has undermined the Secret Service, one of our highest law enforcement agencies, to the point that it has become a mere shadow of its former fidelity and strength. Not that it was perfect in the past: JKF comes to mind.

However, this DEI scourge is not embedded only in the Secret Service, but in every department of the federal, state and local bureaucracy.  

Look at our military as an example: ranks are shrinking from lack of recruits. Military families advising their children to abandon the long family traditions of military service. In the Bible Belt, young men are saying no and overall morale is down.  Even here in Johnson County, the majority of the Board of County Commissioners voted in the spring of 2023 to put into our policy that all health and safety decisions are to be made through the lens of DEI.

Ah, yes, as Obama’s pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, infamously stated, “The Chickens have come home to roost,” as he put forth his leftist ideology to destroy our Judeo-Christian foundations.

However, the July 13th assassination attempt is proving that the chickens indeed HAVE come home to roost as their crown jewel, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, is being proven to be horribly dangerous. 

Our enemies see the utter chaos that DEI is foisting upon our nation. Our enemies see our weaknesses, the unforgivable INCOMPETENCY that this WOKE agenda, this worship of the idol of DEI, has visited upon our nation.

Yes, our forefathers suffered greatly to give us our inheritance of freedom.  I encourage you to go to the Parks Service site and read for yourself the selfless sacrifice these great men, their wives, their families gave to our nation. The link is:

And now, what are we willing to sacrifice to build our nation back to honor the tenants of our forefathers’ Judeo-Christian principles?

John Adams, our second U.S. President, said, “Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom!  I hope you will make a good use of it!  If you do not, I shall repent it in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”

I believe that John Adams would regret half the pains he ever took to preserve our freedom if he was witness to what has befallen our beloved nation.

The clear and present danger in which DEI has entombed our country is illustrated by the July 13th tragedy and continues to put our nation in grave peril.  

Our enemies see our Secret Service react like the Key Stone Cops during an assassination attempt, and they see our military struggling to maintain readiness. Our enemies see the madness of DEI in every aspect of our government structure.

I pray to our God Almighty, God of our forefathers, that we have the wisdom, the strength, the courage and the fortitude to overcome this madness.  

One comment

  1. A women’s Republican luncheon brought us a now retired Air Force pilot. He said he could not say things while he was employed by our military but now, since he’s retired, he would be more verbal. He shared or was asked what are three things that needs to happen in the military and I can’t remember all three of them two of them were you have to get rid of DEI it’s weakening our military on purpose.

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