This does not reflect the majority viewpoint of the JoCo BOCC
November 12, 2024

First thank all of you for all of your support, your prayers and your love. Yes, I lost, but the greater good is yet to be unveiled to us.
Now to the unbelievable good news!!!
Something is happening here in the United States of America. There is a great awakening to the fact that We the People have been lied to, purposefully divided, siloed from each other and propagandized.
We have been told that we are powerless to find our own way, that government is the only answer whether it’s healthcare, schools, the environment, the economy or private business. Big media colluded with the government to convince us that our lives cannot be successful without government largess and direction.
The idea of a self-made man or woman was seemingly slipping into the past. Then came Donald Trump.
Personally, he is an off the cuff boisterous New Yorker….
But in his brashness comes an authenticity with which he has spoken to the ordinary folks who are the fabric of our great nation. He talked to the trash haulers and to the McDonald’s crew flinging fries. He spoke to the farmers, the guys on the oil rigs, the manufacturing workers, the service workers, the list goes on and on. He simply spoke to the folks who have been denied their voice for the past 30 years and longer.
Populism is here and it is a very healthy outcome of this “Great Awakening” by bringing all of us, as individuals, together. Martin Luther King stated he wanted his children to live in a nation, “where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Yes, this populism will empower ALL people to pull themselves up by THEIR bootstraps and participate in this wonderful experiment, OUR American Dream.
On the national level, Tuesday’s results gave us much to celebrate, and except for the county commission races, Republicans added to their majority in both the Kansas House and Senate. On the county level the loss of all 3 conservative candidates was shocking and now, how do we move forward?
First, I encourage my friends to take time to reflect on what happened here in the Johnson County commission races to recognize this is not a disaster. This is an OPPORTUNITY to educate our neighbors about the value, THE NECESSITY of attending city council meetings, school board meetings and county commission meetings and make their voices heard on a REGULAR basis.
We must be thoughtful as to what advances at the local level we wish to work for and never forget humility and graciousness.
We must identify issues which have support across the political spectrum. Tax incentives are one of those issues which can UNITE A COMMUNITY to stand together against boondoggles of corporate welfare.
Tax incentives reduce property taxes for developers/owners’ projects up to 90% and SHIFTS the cost of paying for schools, public safety, and roads to OUR property taxes.
AND tax incentives/corporate welfare is a policy supported, endorsed, and championed by both the Democrat and Republican elites. However, we have much to be thankful for and yes, we have much work ahead of us.
Remember: God’s Will be done, for in His Will our victory is won.
God Bless America