By Connie Newcome, President, Kansans for Health Freedom, KSHF
December 2, 2024
Several times I have heard the alarming concern that RFK “doesn’t have the science.” He should not be put in such a powerful position with so much authority and billions of dollars to work with when he doesn’t have the science.
As I think about it, I believe the alarmists in this camp are right. He doesn’t have the science.
The science belongs to Anthony Fauci, doesn’t it? He has the science or is the science.
Surely the generously bloated agencies such as the NIH, the CDC, the FDA, the NAIAD, the ACIP have the science?
They have our tax dollars, they have medical schools, they have scientists, laboratories, grant money, medical journals, Ph.Ds, gleaming structures all over the country which burst with the pride of all the bustling science within.
They have captured the media, the stock market, the politicians, the public confidence, the education system, the family, even the pet industry. Paul Offit? Dr. Plotkin? Dr. Kathryn Edwards? The people who wrote the bible of vaccinology? They must have the science.
RFK had the science to sue manufacturers to clean up waterways. He argued many times in front of the courts and he accomplished what he set out to do. Somehow he had the information to be successful in this venture, and no one complained about cleaner waterways for fishermen and fish. No one said he didn’t have the science.
When he was confronted with the information about vaccines, he checked out the science, the validity of the arguments. He asked for people to come forward and prove otherwise, and he offered a hefty reward to be shown that he was wrong. He was willing to take on the pros in a debate.
These people with the science refused to debate. RFK sued various agencies for the science. After all, transparency is paramount when agencies are flush with taxpayer dollars. They didn’t bring forth the “thousands of studies” which demonstrated the validity of their science. They didn’t have them, or if they did they refused to make them public.
If the people with the science are not willing to come forward with the science, what, besides billions of our dollars, do they have? They have a belief. They have huge salaries. They have the ability to hijack science in favor of a belief which they created decades ago, which was also not based on science. How can RFK have the science if the scientists don’t have it?
If you are one of those concerned people that RFK doesn’t have the science and this worries you, then I encourage you to come forward and share your science. Prove him wrong. He has asked for it. Get some people together and create a forum for a public debate with your science. He will show up if you will.
You are right. He doesn’t have the science and that is why he is willing to put his reputation, his fortune, his life on the line for your children. He doesn’t have the science. He only has data. He has facts. He can see. He can hear. He can think. He has the ear of the people. He listens to them. He has a legitimate concern that you are being lied to. The voices of your injured and ill children….he hears the unheard. He has done his homework. Have you done yours?
And by the way, if he did have the science; if all these agencies did have the science, would that “science” translate into complete assurance that their science was one hundred percent safe for your baby? How could you be certain that your baby whom they have never seen would be safe with THEIR science?
Think again. Your statement that RFK doesn’t have the science sounds a bit accusatory, untrusting. Maybe your tone of voice should instead be sympathetic. Maybe it should be worried. Maybe it should be doubting. Maybe a little objective thought needs to go into this statement next time you make it.

Anthony Fauci is just one of many reasons I do not get vaccines. If those vaccines had been effective, the government would not have had to pay people to get them. Fauci should be fired, and his benefits should be taken away. He lied to the American people over and over. And he and his wife owned shares in the vaccine companies, and they made a lot of money from their investments. That should be illegal as well.
When it’s all over. The Kennedy family will actually be vindicated. Even if its against the will of those Kennedy’s alive and probably the good news for those who are all dead for going against the grain of the norm.