Integrity Intercept Eyes on the Truth: Integrity #14
Election Quiz
November 1, 2024
Having an impressive resume is a plus for Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. He entered the fray of elections because in 2020, the White House called him and said, “People are saying their ballots are being compromised. And their Q-codes are being swapped or something.”
Jovan then drops a two-minute documentary about his accomplishments – https://rumble.com/v5j6c39-the-rino-rig-explained-in-detail.html (12:08) inside his two- hour show a few weeks back.
These accomplishments include over 500 patents in the technological world. The Patent Office reveals at least 40 original inventions which stem from his pioneering patents. The short highlight of his life explains why the White House called him about coding. He is also the person who says that getting rid of voting machines will not solve most issues which largely come from, people, paper, and programs.
He begins with nine trucks carrying 1 to 1.5 million counterfeit 2020 mail ballots. This is the Pennsylvania investigation into the Election night ballot drop. It has been four years looking to have the name redacted from invoices to show who paid to have the trucks deliver these ballots to the state. Working on this investigation are Patrick Bryne, General Flynn, and Phil Kline.
Did the machines hack our elections? No. It took people, paper, and programs to steal the votes of Pennsylvania citizens.
I like quiz’s – Here is your Election Hack Quiz – compliments of Jovan.
1. An Illegal Alien has been added to the voter rolls. Who broke the law?
Presently, Governor Youngkin took 1,600 illegals off the voter rolls and the Virginia Supreme Court said No, they had to be reinstated. And, as of this article, they now are allowing their removal, and Kansas has joined in their fight.
Originally, the U.S. Department of Justice sued the state for removing voters too close to the 90-day “quiet period” before Election Day. Voter rights and advocacy groups alleged that people affected by these purges are real voters. (2) (3) (4)
However, in many states registering an illegal alien on the voter rolls can get you 3 years in jail.
If an illegal alone becomes registered and is now on our voter rolls, the person who put them there broke the law. When the ballot is printed for the illegal alien and this ballot passes through the system, the people who do this break the law.
If ballots like this are mailed and sent out, the people who send them through the mail break the law.
If the ballot was returned to the election office and counted as a legal ballot, those people are breaking the law.
To avoid this chain of criminal behavior, we need to know WHO registered the voter.
Many election issues, especially when it comes to placing voters on the rolls, can be fixed by contract law, but neither party wants people to know this. If these ballots are in the system, they were deployed by People, through Paper and with Programs. The machine did not place these ballots into the system to be counted.
Cleaning the Voter Rolls is supposed to be done 90 days before an election. That is why scammers send emails saying, “we are cleaning the voter rolls and need financial support.”
This was at the heart of the Virginia voter roll issue.
2. If you sign your ballot envelope and the Election Office declines your signature, and your vote is not counted. Who did this hack?
When you register to vote for the first time, you should have a registration card on file at the election office. The courts have shown that using signature software to match signatures fails nine times out of ten. A court in Arizona proved this in the Kari Lake Trial. A voter’s signature must be compared to the registration card. Instead of checking your signature from the card, they create a voter FILE. (5)
Some States or counties have started using your Driver’s License signature or they will pull from other public signatures, perhaps a library card or candidate’s applications. The problem is that the Driver’s License signature requires you to use a heavy pen or fat ballpoint pen tip, in a small space. This truncates our true signature and removes natural flow and rhythm. The Election Offices in some states are now creating our Voter File, which may not have our originally signed Registration Card.
A voter file can collect all sorts of weird loodie doo’s from various sources to make up “your” signature for the “voter file”. In fact, if you check your voter file, you may find you have voted a lot. Several states have begun to change the wording in the law about signatures from “registration card” to “registration file.”
K.S.A. 25-1122 (e) (1) requires county election offices compare these signatures on the advance-by-mail ballot application with the signature on voter registration records to verify the voter.
It is obvious that people and programs are responsible for this hack. The voting machine has nothing to do with this. What we should have access to is the “voter file.”
We should see online our signature and anything else they have in the file. In fact, we should have a note in our file if our envelope does not match the signature on file. The person making this decision should possibly be charged with a crime.
Meaning, every employee looking over a signature should have an employee number. A picture of the ballot envelope should be in your file. If you have a question, the director of the Elections Office can pull employee 15 and say, “Peggy, that’s your employee number. The voter looked at their voting record, and the picture of the ballot envelope does not match well or at all with their signature on file. Why did you make this call on this signature?” Pretty simple.
3. You just found out someone voted your mail in ballot, and you did not send it back or sign it? Who did this hack?
It is 100% Identity Theft. Some election offices have tried to update their voter files with a post card to update the signature cards. Thumb prints cannot be used. It’s a privacy issue.

Part of the signature verification process, and why or if your ballot was stolen, may not produce a phone call or an attempt to contact you from the Election Office. Signature software can be told to look at up to 10 to 15 points. The program can be dialed up or down.
If the county wants to inflict punitive damage to your precinct, they will become hyper picky to weed out infiltrators. If they need to flood your area, they can turn it down to be VERY PICKY, causing ballots to be kicked out for adjudication or way up to let anything pass. This was done in Maricopa County, Arizona. If the ballot is kicked out, a person decides what ballots stay or go. During Dr. Shiva’s work, he asked, “Is there a signature and does it match?” Yet, it does go deeper.
Signature verification can be used for or against a voter. It can be used to cancel your legitimate vote by letting someone else vote your vote, or it can allow someone to take your ballot envelope and scribble your name and it may never be detected. This hack is people, paper and programs. Machines can only do what we tell them to do.
4. In Harris County – they said they are going to run out of ballots! Who is doing this hack?

Running out of ballots is an immediate violation of your Civil Rights and a sign of maladministration. It is often a myth that they ran out of ballots. “What do you mean you do not have a ballot for me?”
The election office response may be, “We did not order enough.”
People should never accept this explanation. Houston for example has ballot on demand machines.
Who is the hacker here? People!
We should know now that we have a right to vote and they must provide the means for us to do so if we are in the system legally and signed up properly.
5. Prior to election, the officials test and certify all the machines. For example, Ballot-on-Demand-Printers as ready-to-use. On Election Day the BOD’s print smaller ballots and scanners can’t read them, right? People report problems. Then the machines are retested after the election, and all are 100% found to be without error. Who is doing this hack?
Apparently, weird ballots were made and purposefully were signed wrong, and the scanners could not read them. Kari Lake had this issue in Arizona.
Because of the complaints about ballots and machines during her election, they had many legal maneuvers. Maricopa brought in a retired Supreme Court judge. He investigated the machines and said, “Everything is fine.”
Jovan read the judge’s opinion and tracked every machine. The judge asked, “Did you keep the machines in order?”
“Is the correct software on the machine?”
However, Jovan’s team dug into the machine reports. Only ten printers were tested. In this type of circumstance, de-minimis is far more detrimental than maximus, or you will not find the problem. It was discovered that ten of the machines were never deployed. It was these ten printers that were used in the Post Election to show there were no problems.
These ten machines were set up specifically for the certification to be clean. In fact, when Katie Hobbs certified the election in Maricopa County, there were 1675 boxes in the Arizona race that they were in total disarray.
However, 52 boxes were sealed properly according to the law. The 52 boxes the state audited worked perfectly for Biden’s election. Every printer on demand was out of whack, except those that did the 52 boxes for the state audit.
The boxes contained early voting, mail-in ballots and Election Day ballots. None of them had Sharpies bleeding through on the ballots. Yet the other remaining boxes from 1675 had Sharpies bleeding through almost everywhere.
Who is involved in this hack? People, Paper, Programs or machines? When you do a forensic audit, you believe nothing anyone tells you. Everything should be audited and torn down for inspection.
Moreover, if a ballot printing machine prints a ballot, why does a printer need remote access software to make a copy of this ballot? (6)
The hackers are people who purposefully directed the auditor’s attention to certain machines that modified paper to confirm the audit.
6. On Election Day, in a super nefarious voting district it is discovered by super-secret flying drones that the machines ARE IN FACT CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET. Who is responsible for the hack?
First, connecting to the internet is not illegal. We assume it’s a crime because people can access the internet and change things. When a voting company says, “We do not make machines that connect to the internet,” they are telling the truth.
Dominion for example makes software and not hardware.
Dell provides the hardware for the voting machines and that hardware has serial numbers.
In the Arizona audit, they listed the serial number of the machines. A fellow technician who owned a small technology company, by the name of Aaron Waggoner, figured this out.
He took the serial number from Dell and contacted the warranty through the internet as if repairing it.
When it pings the computer, it uploads all the machine specs. In those machines, there was Wi-Fi, cellular modems, Bluetooth, etc. In this case, because it isn’t the voting machines, but a Dell, the hardware would not find the Internet.
In their manual, the company (that was exposed) says if the client needs to connect to the internet, connect to the local area network.
Technically, the county is culpable to this type of hack. The county allows it to be on the internet. No one needed to hack it to get to the internet.
Additionally, from this discovery, Arizona auditors realized they could possibly have access to Splunk logs and routers.
Remember, the Arizona election audit was not allowed to get these logs or routers, and it had 30,000 incursions.
By the way, Aaron Waggoner who discovered this technological gem, died. He was found dead in his home shortly after this revelation.
They will probably never release serial numbers again.
Remember, the certification was out of whack. This ability to connect to the Internet is a problem with the actually is the MACHINES. Nevertheless, this was people who knew how to do it, and they manipulated the programs. (7)
7. You show up for Election Day to vote and you were told you must use this exact pen to vote, who is doing this hack?
The wrong pen creates dots, which are not recognized by the machines. The vote is counted, but first it must be adjudicated. The pens are meant to cause problems with the machine. Years ago, if 1 out of 50 machines made a mistake, they normally retired the machine.
In 2020, 1 out of 8 ballots who used improper markers for the machines caused confusion because of software delicacies. These pens caused the machine to spit out ballots, “I can’t read this, and I need help.”
Who is responsible for this hack?
We the voters – people. By now we should know our rights. Bring a blue pen for the ballot. A red pen or pencil cannot be used. Election workers cannot tell you it “gums up the machines.”
This pen issue is a myth. It is maladministration.
8. You are auditing the ballots and Cast Vote Records are involved. Where is the hack?
Real paper ballots are used in your elections. The machine makes a pre-image of the ballot in the machine. This is a low-resolution image of the ballot and between the machine making a pre-image and the post image, the post-image is technically what the machines saw and counted.
On the ballot you voted for Lincoln. In the pre-image it says Lincoln, yet the post-image says Washington. Where is this hack?
This is a hack done by machines, and it can be programmed to flip the ballot image.
Note: A test ballot should have names like Lincoln and Washington and not those running for the office.
Using current candidates is how you FRONT LOAD the machines prior to voting, when you test the machines for the election.
After Lindell’s symposium people were told to get cast vote records. These instructions caused many states to make them illegal. (8)

When asking for cast vote records (CVR’s), you will not receive the first or the second image. Your last image has been changed and if you do not have the paper ballot, then proving the flip is difficult. Even if the case is brought to court, it may not be a cut-and-dry situation.
Attorneys for the violators may say the following,“maybe it was a glitch. This was not possible with our machines. Maybe someone maliciously damaged that machine. We don’t know why this happened. Our client followed the rules.”
Unless you have the cast vote records from ALL the machines, both before and after to show a pattern, then the evidence becomes less obvious.
Defense Attorney’s will point out their client follows the rules of the EAC (Election Assistant Commission), which outlines that all the software, processes, and security systems are completely voluntary.
When you go to the Secretary of State about this issue, they will say they follow the EAC. Then when you go back to the EAC, they will tell you their rules and processes are voluntary.
The Secretary of State or the County will say “It was never their intent for the machines to flip votes.”
Who are the hackers in this situation? The hackers are the people, and the program is the “voluntary” means by which the EAC tests a machine for logic and accuracy; which may never pick up the software issue which is embedded.
Why? Machines can be programmed to put out a certain amount of accurate information in a test and then begin to flip votes after that criterion has been met.
9. You are a criminal and you want to rig an election. You have decided to use mail in ballots. What is the most important thing you need, in order to hack the election with mail in ballots?
Most people believe it is the ballot in the mail that is needed. They do not need the original ballot. It is easier to copy or get a ballot in the area you want to rig.

They must have the return security envelope, which has the bar code with your personal information that goes back to you! That bar code is the only thing that allows that ballot to go back to the voter. When they take out the ballot, that envelope is done forever.

In the hack they need the coding from the envelope, that’s how it’s done. A ballot is placed in the return envelope and that becomes YOUR VOTE.
Who’s the hacker? People, paper, and programs.
How did your hacking quiz go?
The point Jovan is making is that we can be afraid of the machines. Yet, there are numerous ways that people rig and cheat at elections without the machines being the core reason for the issue.
Despite all this information, we know who really is behind the hacks…right?
1. https://rumble.com/v5j6c39-the-rino-rig-explained-in-detail.html (12:08)
4. https://www.yahoo.com/news/kobach-endorses-virginia-legal-fight-172050124.html
6. https://rumble.com/v5kij7h-whats-your-how-to-hack-an-election-i.q..html (1:09:22)
7. https://rumble.com/v5kij7h-whats-your-how-to-hack-an-election-i.q..html (1:10)