This does not represent the majority opinion of the BOCC
September 20, 2024
In the Johnson County 2022 county wide commission chairman race, there were 19,992 under votes. That is over 8% of voters who did not cast their vote in this critical local election.
That’s correct, over 8% of voters participating in the November 2022 general election chose to leave their ballot blank on the race for Chairman of Johnson County Commission.
Why does this happen?
Some voters don’t think they know enough about local candidates so they skip over those races. Or they believe down ballot candidates aren’t important. WRONG!!
Decisions made by those at the BOTTOM of the ballot have the most direct impact on YOU!!! Local elected officials, they are who raise YOUR property taxes.
AND in these local elections, the margin of victory has been as narrow as 1 VOTE!!! Your vote – or lack thereof – can determine the outcome of races that shape policies right HERE in your backyard.
Spread the Word – ENCOURAGE Your Friends to research local candidates and ENCOURAGE them to Vote to the BOTTOM of the ballot!
Bottom Feeders and Thee
A poem by me
The BOTTOM of the ballot,
No doubt about it
Taxes heaped upon thee
Come from these
Who hide with glee
At the BOTTOM of the ballot.

Also encourage them to vote by hand and demand hand count for their ballot.
One day. One vote. On paper. Hand Counted.