This does not reflect the majority viewpoint of the JoCo BOCC
November 5, 2024
The in-person advance voting has been extremely brisk, and combined with mail in ballots we will easily exceed 50% of the vote prior to Election Day.
So, if you haven’t voted, now is the time to make sure you get out and VOTE!!! Many times, the margin of victory is razor thin and an extra 5 votes might well decide the outcome.
As you know, the big Democrat guns have come out after me, even though my race is feigned as non-partisan.
Chairman Mike Kelly formed Amberwaves Political Action Committee with his sights on defeating Republican incumbent DA, Steve Howe, Republican candidate for Sheriff, Doug Bedford and Republican incumbent District 3 County Commissioner, yours truly.
There does seem to be a pattern!!!!
Outside dark money cannot be allowed to determine the outcome of our local elections.
Chairman Kelly touts his connections with the European Union and Global Covenant of Mayors along with his leadership in making Roeland Park a sanctuary city in 2021.
This is not the leadership that we want in Johnson County, the pack and stack mentality of increased density and the continued enthusiastic support of tax incentives for the big boys both of which drives up our property taxes.
So, let’s beat back the globalists and their out of state dark money by turning out in droves.
We want leaders who will stop the ever-increasing property taxes, put public safety NUMBER ONE and bring transparency to the process: broadcast of public comments and addresses of donors on campaign finance reports.
Is that too much to ask???
Elections have consequences