Who OWNS It?

August 20, 2024
Political campaigns have this in common. They try to get votes based on the three “P” s -Personality, Promises, and/or Policies.
Perhaps they are already admired celebrities, maybe they promise to stand strong or make changes, and some are glued to policies that define their vision.
Leaving the personality factor out of it, as that dimension will have the least effect on our personal lives, we are left with promises and policies. Sometimes they will base them on material improvement, i.e. better roads, bridges, bombers, etc., and sometimes the more ethereal.
Whatever the factor, there is always an effort to claim the moral high ground. However, as we know, politicians generally tend to lie, or at least exaggerate.
So that makes the two questions: Whose Promises/Policies can we most likely Trust, and Who owns the Moral High Ground; important questions, as many are tempted to make their voting decisions on these elements alone.
To be more efficient and save time, I believe we can roll them all into the one question, “Who owns the Moral High Ground”.
Before we get into the meat of this offering, it is appropriate to admit that the information herein is one-sided. You could say I am picking on the Democrats, because I am. I have voted for both in the past, but I will no longer do that.
I would encourage you to take a similar deep dive into the history of the GOP and I’m sure you’ll find some very nefarious activity. It is just that it is not nearly as dark, devious, or destructive as the unarguable evidence that the Democrats own, and that history is worthy of our consideration before voting.
Let’s take a look at some of the specifics of American History.
Q. In 1830 the congress passed, and the president signed, “The Indian Removal Act”. Over 50,000 Indians were forced to leave their homes east of the Mississippi and move West. The Trail of Tears, perhaps the most egregious action against the Native Americans, ever – forced 16,000 of them, under military threat, to travel on foot, nearly one thousand miles, in the middle of the winter of 1838/39, to the West. About 4,000 of these people died in route. Who controlled congress and who was the president?
A. Both houses of Congress were controlled by what was called, the “Modern Democrat Party”. The president was Andrew Jackson, a Democrat.
Q. In 1860 there were four million slaves in this country – how many were owned by Republicans?
A. Zero. The Republicans were the Anti-Slavery party and their first President was Abraham Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
Q. The 13th Amendment banned slavery. Who voted for the amendment, and who was against it?
A. Every Republican (100%) voted for it. Fourteen Democrats, many of whom were lame ducks and were bribed with government jobs to join the effort, voted for it. What does that say to you?
Q. The 14th Amendment gave all who were born here, or naturalized, equal protection under the law, including the just freed slaves. Who voted for that?
A. 94% of Republicans and zero % of the Democrats. Hmmm?
Q. The 15th Amendment gave the newly freed Black Americans the right to vote. Who voted for that?
A. Zero Democrats and 100% of the Republicans. Do you see the pattern?
Q. After the Civil war one of the political parties began what was known as the Jim Crow Laws that were intended to make full access to the American Dream near impossible for Black Americans. Which party was that?
A. Yes, it was the Democrats.
Q. There was an illegitimate army formed called the Klu Klux Klan whose sole intention was to intimidate, and perhaps hang, Black Americans. What political party was it affiliated with?
A. Darn, it is the Democratic party once again. Into the mid-20th century there were Democrat members of congress that still held power in the KKK, i.e. Robert Byrd, the Senate Minority Leader, who was a major figure until the topic became too toxic and he backed away from it. Note: Hillary Clinton called Senator Byrd her mentor, and so on. The KKK has been referred to as the Military Arm of the Democrat Party.
Q. Who was unarguably the most racist president?
A. Up until 1913 Black Americans tended to vote for Republicans, but Woodrow Wilson persuaded some very powerful leaders in that community, including W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington with his campaign promise of “Equal Treatment” to change party affiliation. However, one of Woodrow Wilson’s first acts was to mandate the segregation, by race, of the federal workforce. This led to a substantial reduction of the Black Civil Service Work Force and a significant increase in the wage gap. A study from Cal Berkeley says Wilson’s actions eroded gains made by Blacks since Reconstruction. The systemic racism that the Democrats frequently refer to, was energized by Wilson, and has yet to be fully resolved for a significant number of Black Americans. Wilson also ran on the promise to keep us out of war, then he took us into WWI.
Q. Some have tried to claim that there was a titanic shift in 1960, where the Democrats became the supporters of equal rights for our Black citizens and the Republicans their enemy, but is that true? Consider the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Who voted for that?
A. Democrats voted to approve the measure with 63% of their block. The Republicans voted with 80% of their votes.
Q. The claim that the Democrats have tried to establish is that they are the party that looks out for the minorities and the little guy, but where is there any evidence of that? Crime, especially violent crime is almost always hardest on minorities and the lower income people. What are the 10 most dangerous cities per capita in the US, (and note, it is not any of the big three)? Which party controls these cities?
A. Detroit, Memphis, Birmingham, Baltimore, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cleveland, Little Rock, Milwaukee, and Stockton are listed as the top ten most dangerous cities. The top nine are all run by Democrats, and the #10 is run by a Republican, but he came into office in 2021 following a democrat mayor and the year following his taking office, the violent crime rate dropped almost 12%.
W. What political party promotes sexual education for kids as young or younger than kindergarteners? Pushing books and instruction that introduce sexual perversions long before a child has the maturity to face such stimulation. This includes promoting Drag Queen shows, encouraging the juvenile exploration of homosexuality, and transgender surgeries, without parental consent. How would this strengthen the American family and nation?
A. The Democrats. It is going on right now and they cannot deny it. It is NOT misinformation any more than all the history listed above. The Democrats have not cleaned up their act – It is not just history, but also current events.
Q. Historically, what governments have attempted the confiscation of personal weapons?
A. Every tyranny starts with the people in power wanting to strip the people of their power and put it all in the hands of the government. That includes regimes from the ancient of days, up until the Soviet Union, NAZI Germany, etc., and we see it happening right now in Venezuela and other places. The only ones pushing gun control in this country are the Democratic Party.
Q. What nations or political parties have attempted to restrict Freedom of Speech?
A. You already know. It is the same people who want to confiscate your guns. They tell you it is for your own good. They tell you they must minimize the “Misinformation”, even if it later turns out to be true. It matters not if the power hungry speak Russian, Chinese, Spanish, or English as is the case of the Democratic Party in the U.S. or their counterparts, the Labour Party, in Great Britain.
Who Owns the Moral High Ground?
Do your own research and you’ll find many weaknesses & misdeeds by the Republican Party, but search as you may you will find nothing like the hypocrisy, the lust for power, or the disregard for the citizen’s rights because that IS the history, and the current practices of the Democratic party. They own it!
So, what is the solution? If the Democratic Party of JFK is no more, and so many Republicans say they are for the policies that made America, unarguably the most wonderful nation in history, but are too weak to STAND UP for those policies, what do we do? I believe we need to avoid giving any Democrat power, and get rid of the weak (RINO) Republicans.
We need strong leaders who are strong Americans, who understand what we have and are willing to protect her.
Who will you support with your vote?